Opportunity Optimization Opportunity Optimization

Yojoa community members with a WEB presence


Amuprolago Nature Conservancy in Honduras


World 1 Tours


Honduyate Marina

DnD Brewery

D & D Brewery

El Cortijo

El Cortijo del Lago

Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara National Park




Mercies Clinic

mochito Mine

Breakwater Resources' El Mochito mine near Las Vegas


Honduras Tips: Lake Yojoa Info

Return is dedicated to both the preservation and sustainable development of magnificent Lake Yojoa. The organization's key proponents live at the lake and have a personal long term commitment to ensuring that the quality of life here continues to advance for all. The critical components of this vision follow:

Security & Stability: Although this is an immensely important and complex multifaceted issue; it is best achieved simply through mutual respect - which in turn requires open communications and minized misunderstandings. In these regards, nothing could be more substanable or primary than agreement over the land itself. When uncertainties arise among adjoining property owners, the stage is then set for escalating suspicions and rifts. Albeit, less than a third of the land in Honduras is well registered with reliable documentation. is consequently active in facilitating the procurement of accurate and well recorded property coordinates to the benefit of the whole community.

Environmental Safeguards: Let's be clear on this. The true value of the Yojoa area is the environment. Trash the environment sufficiently and you lose everthing. Nothing could gut the heart out of this paradise more throughly than ungracious imprudent disregard for the land & environment. That being said, all the morally conscientious enterprises that deliver quality products from the Yojoa area while respectfully nurturing the source of their profits deserve due credit for their important services. Such industries would include untold farmers, lumber harvesters, fishermen & fisheries, mining concerns, restaurants, parks, tour guides, etc. Actually, a large part of the impetus for our interest in advancing accurate & faithfull land registration lies in the fact that property securely under the care of responsible owners is invariably more valued and consequently better cared for. In otherwords, those who encroached upon another's land not only demonstrate scorn for the owners, but also invariably for the land itself. Unsurprisingly, the environment typically suffers.

Integrated Development for a proporous future: Obviously, unsustainable profiteering that damages the ecology can hardly be classified as a net gain for Honduras. The faith of however, insists that a perpetually prosporous future for this area is not only possible but might easily be so well implemented that we could serve as a success model for others to copy. A key word here is "integrated". This expressively requires mutual respect where everyone is seen as valuable contributors to the community. The benefit of the doubt must be confirmed to all. Hence neither subsites nor sanctions are appropriate. Instead, equal treatment for all is envisioned as the best basis on which to build.