@{{PD-self}} [[Category:Honduras]] >HN005SFnLMP_2xNoDsordr.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: A few, like this woman had messages like this for the president. These photos are from in front of the speaker's podium.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_3xSockrFld.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Here are three shots around the soccer field turned landing strip.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xFld+Podm.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Top photo overlooks soccer filed, bottom from church tower of speaker's podium.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xRibbnCut.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: The spectacle of ribbon cutting.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xGirl+Boy.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Here are my candidates for the best dressed contest!
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xgZepedaB.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Gerardo Zepeda-Bermudez speaking. Without this man it is very doubtfull that either Solar.net Village would have ever existed.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xSuJefes}.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Sundry collection of bosses.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xLovlyRds.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: These attractive lanes are basically empty normally.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xGuysGals.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Some of the children, men and women of San Francisco Lempira.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xManWoman.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: When it comes to character studies, it is hard to beat Honduras.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xManSpeak.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: The podium was kept busy for several hours.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xReady2go.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: The ribbon has been cut and the priest is all ready for his part.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_3xPlaqPray.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Plenty of witnesses are gathered to listen to the reading of dedication.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xRead+H2O.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: First the reading then the water.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xRF+Fathr.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: In addition to a plaque dedication we have 3 good friends celebrating.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_4xRF+hands.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: President does fine job of hand shaking.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_3xYllwShrt.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Some how the president was the only one with a bright yellow shirt. An interesting touch that worked well.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_3xRFexampl.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Honduran President Flores in action.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_4xRF+otros.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: President Flores as speaker.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xRFspeaks.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Honduran President Flores at podium.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xPrssPres.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: The press and the president.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_3xNewClsss.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: More solar powered computers thanks to another "Solar.net Village" success.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xRF_walks.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: President Flores on his march to the church and podium.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xRFchpprs.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Honduran President Flores after exiting his helicopter.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_3xRF_happy.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: San Francisco Lempira May 4, 2000 - President Flores man of the moment.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xCntr}Fld.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Top photo is outside the community center - 2nd is only about 100ft away where the helicopters were earlier.
Camera Info: OLYMPUS SR83 Digital, shot 2000:05:04 16:19:46Z, F-stop 2.8, Exposure 1/30.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xChrchTw1.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: This church sits ate the head of the towns main square.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 12:45:13Z, F-stop 8.0, Exposure 1/562, Focal Length 19.4mm, Focus 16.664 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_2xChrchTw2.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Church towers proved to be a choice vantage point for police and photographers.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 13:21:40Z, F-stop 2.3, Exposure 1/1000, Focal Length 20.7mm, Focus 8.57 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org - This image is also available there under the directory link "Composite Group 02" as a multi-layer .xcf file. >HN005SFnLMP_WelcomBnnr.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Town's people assemble for the Honduran President's arrival.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 13:55:10Z, F-stop 5.6, Exposure 1/331, Focal Length 20.7mm, Focus 60 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_CadelgaSgn.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Ing. Carlos Flores was the Honduran President for this "Solar.Net" dedication on May 4, 2000.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 13:54:57Z, F-stop 5.6, Exposure 1/292, Focal Length 20.7mm, Focus 254 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_Helicoptr2.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Everyone is allowed to mingle among the helicopters.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:26:17Z, F-stop 8.0, Exposure 1/347, Focal Length 9.3mm, Focus 255 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_Chopper971.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Here is a close-up study of one of the military helicopters that escorted the president to San Francisco Lempira.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:22:02Z, F-stop 2.3, Exposure 1/1000, Focal Length 17.9mm, Focus 6.664 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_Helicoptr3.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: With a blade framing in the top of this photo, we can see another tree helicopters. The yellow one carried the president.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 13:26:32Z, F-stop 5.6, Exposure 1/385, Focal Length 12.5mm, Focus 2.851 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_FaceFwrd44.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: If you're wondering how I can get so many people to spontaneously pose - I have no idea!
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:23:51Z, F-stop 5.6, Exposure 1/467, Focal Length 7.1mm, Focus 1.14 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_ChpprFans1.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: In general the Honduran poor want their photos taken and broadly shown - happily there are no statutes hindering this.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:24:29Z, F-stop 5.6, Exposure 1/463, Focal Length 7.1mm, Focus 2 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_ChpprFans2.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: In San Ramon the children are much more prominent than they are here.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:24:40Z, F-stop 5.6, Exposure 1/599, Focal Length 7.1mm, Focus 5 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_photogrphr.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Other photographers are always among my favorite subjects.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 13:33:07Z, F-stop 4.0, Exposure 1/546, Focal Length 7.1mm, Focus 2 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_CmmntyCntr.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Here we can see both of the community center buildings (classrooms are within). The road runs down to the dedication activities.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:42:37Z, F-stop 2.8, Exposure 1/463, Focal Length 7.4mm, Focus 255 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_Ready4Pres.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: People accross the street from the Community Center await the president.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:44:56Z, F-stop 4.0, Exposure 1/348, Focal Length 19.4mm, Focus 7.14 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_BoardFervr.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: These kids just don't seem to be getting into the spirit of things ... pretty cool if you ask me.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 12:00:52Z, F-stop 5.6, Exposure 1/413, Focal Length 7.1mm, Focus 5 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_ChldDadGrd.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: A touch of innocence at the speaker's table.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 13:53:33Z, F-stop 2.8, Exposure 1/237, Focal Length 15.1mm, Focus 1.828 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_MuchoPolce.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Normally there are no police at all around here, but today gunmen are everywhere.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:47:31Z, F-stop 4.0, Exposure 1/249, Focal Length 14.2mm, Focus 3.328 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_Clean_Men3.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: No one was in their traditional work clothes today.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 12:31:47Z, F-stop 4.0, Exposure 1/437, Focal Length 11.8mm, Focus 2.437 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_Ribbn+Prst.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Priest awaiting president.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 14:30:10Z, F-stop 5.6, Exposure 1/382, Focal Length 7.1mm, Focus 255 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_AlPrepared.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Many details perfectly prepared.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 14:30:17Z, F-stop 5.6, Exposure 1/283, Focal Length 13.4mm, Focus 2.359 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_Plaq+Peopl.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: One well guarded plaque.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:41:09Z, F-stop 2.8, Exposure 1/645, Focal Length 7.1mm, Focus 255 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_PoliciaCar.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: A rare day of helicopters and police cars.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:27:25Z, F-stop 8.0, Exposure 1/457, Focal Length 16.1mm, Focus 254 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_SecurtyChf.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Chief of security has everything under control.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 11:30:37Z, F-stop 2.3, Exposure 1/1000, Focal Length 20.7mm, Focus 2.367 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_HiVuPodium.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: View of podium area from church tower.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 14:13:43Z, F-stop 4.0, Exposure 1/364, Focal Length 7.1mm, Focus 255 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_HiVuHappns.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: View of area right of podium from church tower.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 14:15:18Z, F-stop 4.0, Exposure 1/410, Focal Length 7.1mm, Focus 255 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org >HN005SFnLMP_Bewildered.jpg Category is: San Francisco Lempira 2000
Discription: Much ado and 2 bewildered girls.
Camera Info: CASIO QV-3000EX, shot 2000:05:04 14:06:50Z, F-stop 4.0, Exposure 1/292, Focal Length 9.3mm, Focus 3.328 m.
Contact creator at http://Stockhausen.yojoa.org