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Founder Emeral Tennyson

The Emeraldi Club ~ Oak Ridge Roatán


Teléfono: 504 2435-1490
Cell: 9747-2281 & 3371-2839



Oak Ridge and her surrounding attractions are among the most enchanting gems Roatán has to offer; and The Emeraldi Club is your passport to this secluded east end paradise of tranquility.  The hand crafted water taxi operated by expert guide Emeral Tennyson is truly a fantasy coach perfect for smoothly motoring through fascinating mangrove mazes.  The motor's soft mellow rhythms meter out a relaxed ambiance while your host relates numerous facts of historical and biological interest as you slip from one charming realm to another.  The Emeraldi Club can also transport you and yours to the best snorkeling in the area or -if you wish- shuttle one to the “Hole in the Wall” nightlife (even at midday).



93KB big boat photos
108KB boat bridge
200KB bow photo
263KB inside water taxi
185KB bow photos
192KB small boat photos
217KB bow photos
150KB Tourist in water taxi
087KB bow photo
87KB Shore photos
93KB big boat photos
87KB big boat photos
132KB big boat photo