Leaf Tags
These tags are found in .MOS images from Leaf digital camera backs as
written by Creo Leaf Capture. They exist within the Leaf-specific directory
structure of EXIF tag 0x8606. The tables below list observed Leaf tags,
however ExifTool will extract any tags found in the Leaf directories even if
they don't appear in these tables.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'JPEG_preview_data' |
PreviewImage |
undef |
'JPEG_preview_info' |
PreviewInfo |
N |
'PDA_histogram_data' |
PDAHistogram |
N |
'back_serial_number' |
BackSerial |
N |
'camera_profile' |
CameraProfile |
- |
--> Leaf CameraProfile Tags |
'icc_camera_profile' |
ICC_Profile |
- |
--> ICC_Profile Tags |
'icc_camera_to_tone_matrix' |
ToneMatrix |
N |
'icc_camera_to_tone_space_flow' |
ToneSpaceFlow |
N |
'icc_rgb_ws_profile' |
RGB_Profile |
- |
--> ICC_Profile Tags |
'image_offset' |
ImageOffset |
N |
'pattern_ratation_angle' |
PatternAngle |
N |
("ratation" is not a typo) |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'CamProf_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'back_type' |
CameraBackType |
N |
'capture_profile' |
CaptureProfile |
- |
--> Leaf CaptureProfile Tags |
'image_profile' |
ImageProfile |
- |
--> Leaf ImageProfile Tags |
'name' |
CameraName |
N |
'type' |
CameraType |
N |
'version' |
CameraProfileVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'CaptProf_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'CCD_rect' |
CCDRect |
N |
'CCD_valid_rect' |
CCDValidRect |
N |
'CCD_video_rect' |
CCDVideoRect |
N |
'back_type' |
CaptProfBackType |
N |
'center_dark_rect' |
CenterDarkRect |
N |
'color_averages' |
ColorAverages |
N |
'color_matrix' |
ColorMatrix |
N |
'dark_correction_type' |
DarkCorrectionType |
N |
'image_bounds' |
ImageBounds |
N |
'image_fields' |
ImageFields |
N |
'image_offset' |
ImageOffset |
N |
'left_dark_rect' |
LeftDarkRect |
N |
'luminance_consts' |
LuminanceConsts |
N |
'mosaic_pattern' |
MosaicPattern |
N |
'name' |
CaptProfName |
N |
'number_of_planes' |
NumberOfPlanes |
N |
'raw_data_rotation' |
RawDataRotation |
N |
'reconstruction_type' |
ReconstructionType |
N |
'right_dark_rect' |
RightDarkRect |
N |
'serial_number' |
CaptureSerial |
N |
'type' |
CaptProfType |
N |
'version' |
CaptProfVersion |
N |
'xy_offset_info' |
XYOffsetInfo |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'ImgProf_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'back_type' |
ImgProfBackType |
N |
'image_status' |
ImageStatus |
N |
'name' |
ImgProfName |
N |
'rotation_angle' |
RotationAngle |
N |
'shoot_setup' |
ShootSetup |
- |
--> Leaf ShootSetup Tags |
'type' |
ImgProfType |
N |
'version' |
ImgProfVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'ShootObj_' which
has been removed.
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'CameraObj_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'ISO_speed' |
ISOSpeed |
N |
'back_type' |
CameraObjBackType |
N |
'camera_type' |
CameraType |
N |
'lens_ID' |
LensID |
N |
'lens_type' |
LensType |
N |
'name' |
CameraObjName |
N |
'strobe' |
Strobe |
N |
'type' |
CameraObjType |
N |
'version' |
CameraObjVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'CaptureObj_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'Multi_quality' |
MultiQuality |
N |
'back_type' |
CaptureObjBackType |
N |
'name' |
CaptureObjName |
N |
'neutals' |
Neutals |
- |
--> Leaf Neutrals Tags |
'selection' |
Selection |
- |
--> Leaf Selection Tags |
'sharpness' |
Sharpness |
- |
--> Leaf Sharpness Tags |
'single_quality' |
SingleQuality |
N |
'tone_curve' |
ToneCurve |
- |
--> Leaf ToneCurve Tags |
'type' |
CaptureObjType |
N |
'version' |
CaptureObjVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'NeutObj_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'back_type' |
NeutObjBackType |
N |
'color_casts' |
ColorCasts |
N |
'highlight_end_points' |
HighlightEndPoints |
N |
'name' |
NeutObjName |
N |
'neutrals' |
Neutrals |
N |
'shadow_end_points' |
ShadowEndPoints |
N |
'type' |
NeutObjType |
N |
'version' |
NeutObjVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'SelObj_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'back_type' |
SelObjBackType |
N |
'locks' |
Locks |
N |
'name' |
SelObjName |
N |
'orientation' |
Orientation |
N |
'rect' |
Rect |
N |
'resolution' |
Resolution |
N |
'scale' |
Scale |
N |
'type' |
SelObjType |
N |
'version' |
SelObjVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'SharpObj_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'back_type' |
SharpObjBackType |
N |
'data_len' |
DataLen |
N |
'name' |
SharpObjName |
N |
'sharp_info' |
SharpInfo |
N |
'sharp_method' |
SharpMethod |
N |
'type' |
SharpObjType |
N |
'version' |
SharpObjVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'ToneObj_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'back_type' |
ToneObjBackType |
N |
'gamma' |
Gamma |
N |
'name' |
ToneObjName |
N |
'npts' |
Npts |
N |
'tones' |
Tones |
N |
'type' |
ToneObjType |
N |
'version' |
ToneObjVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'ColorObj_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'back_type' |
ColorObjBackType |
N |
'color_mode' |
ColorMode |
N |
'color_type' |
ColorType |
N |
'has_ICC' |
HasICC |
N |
'input_profile' |
InputProfile |
N |
'name' |
ColorObjName |
N |
'output_profile' |
OutputProfile |
N |
'type' |
ColorObjType |
N |
'version' |
ColorObjVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'LookHead_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'back_type' |
LookHeadBackType |
N |
'name' |
LookHeadName |
N |
'type' |
LookHeadType |
N |
'version' |
LookHeadVersion |
N |
All Tag ID's in the following table have a leading 'SaveObj_' which
has been removed.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'back_type' |
SaveObjBackType |
N |
'leaf_auto_active' |
LeafAutoActive |
N |
'leaf_auto_base_name' |
LeafAutoBaseName |
N |
'leaf_hot_folder' |
LeafHotFolder |
N |
'leaf_open_proc_HDR' |
LeafOpenProcHDR |
N |
'leaf_output_file_type' |
LeafOutputFileType |
N |
'leaf_save_selection' |
LeafSaveSelection |
N |
'name' |
SaveObjName |
N |
'std_auto_active' |
StdAutoActive |
N |
'std_base_name' |
StdBaseName |
N |
'std_hot_folder' |
StdHotFolder |
N |
'std_open_in_photoshop' |
StdOpenInPhotoshop |
N |
'std_output_bit_depth' |
StdOutputBitDepth |
N |
'std_output_color_mode' |
StdOutputColorMode |
N |
'std_output_file_type' |
StdOutputFileType |
N |
'std_oxygen' |
StdOxygen |
N |
'std_save_selection' |
StdSaveSelection |
N |
'std_scaled_output' |
StdScaledOutput |
N |
'std_sharpen_output' |
StdSharpenOutput |
N |
'type' |
SaveObjType |
N |
'version' |
SaveObjVersion |
N |
Leaf also writes a TIFF-format sub-IFD inside IFD0 of a MOS image. No tags
in this sub-IFD are currently known, except for tag 0x8606 which really
shouldn't be here anyway (so it doesn't appear in the table below) because
it duplicates a reference to the same data of tag 0x8606 in IFD0.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
[no tags known] |
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Dec 16, 2005
<-- ExifTool Tag Names