QuickTime Tags
These tags are used in QuickTime MOV and MP4 videos, and QTIF images. Tags
with a question mark after their name are not extracted unless the Unknown
option is set.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'PICT' |
PreviewPICT |
N |
'free' |
Free? |
N |
'ftyp' |
FrameType? |
N |
(MP4 only) |
'mdat' |
Mdat? |
N |
'moov' |
Movie |
- |
--> QuickTime Movie Tags |
'pnot' |
Preview |
- |
--> QuickTime Preview Tags |
'skip' |
Skip? |
N |
'wide' |
Wide? |
N |
Index | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
0 |
Version |
N |
1 |
CreateDate |
N |
2 |
ModifyDate |
N |
3 |
TimeScale |
N |
4 |
Duration |
N |
5 |
PreferredRate |
N |
6 |
PreferredVolume |
N |
18 |
PreviewTime |
N |
19 |
PreviewDuration |
N |
20 |
PosterTime |
N |
21 |
SelectionTime |
N |
22 |
SelectionDuration |
N |
23 |
CurrentTime |
N |
24 |
NextTrackID |
N |
MP4 only (most tags unknown because ISO charges for the specification).
MP4 only (most tags unknown because ISO charges for the specification).
MP4 only (most tags unknown because ISO charges for the specification).
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
[no tags known] |
MP4 only (most tags unknown because ISO charges for the specification).
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
[no tags known] |
Index | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
0 |
TrackVersion |
N |
1 |
TrackCreateDate |
N |
2 |
TrackModifyDate |
N |
3 |
TrackID |
N |
5 |
TrackDuration |
N |
8 |
TrackLayer |
N |
9 |
TrackVolume |
N |
19 |
ImageWidth |
N |
20 |
ImageHeight |
N |
Tag ID's beginning with the copyright symbol (hex 0xa9) are multi-language
text, but ExifTool only extracts the text from the first language in the
record. ExifTool will extract any multi-language user data tags found, even
if they don't exist in this table.
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'AllF' |
PlayAllFrames |
N |
'LOOP' |
LoopStyle |
N |
1 = Normal
2 = Palindromic |
'SelO' |
PlaySelection |
N |
'TAGS' |
UnknownTags? |
- - - - N |
--> Pentax MOV Tags
--> Nikon MOV Tags
--> Sanyo MOV Tags
--> Sanyo MP4 Tags |
'WLOC' |
WindowLocation |
N |
'meta' |
Meta |
- |
--> QuickTime Meta Tags |
'name' |
Name |
N |
'ptv ' |
PrintToVideo |
- |
--> QuickTime Video Tags |
"\xa9cpy" |
Copyright |
N |
"\xa9day" |
CreateDate |
N |
"\xa9dir" |
Director |
N |
"\xa9ed1" |
Edit1 |
N |
"\xa9ed2" |
Edit2 |
N |
"\xa9ed3" |
Edit3 |
N |
"\xa9ed4" |
Edit4 |
N |
"\xa9ed5" |
Edit5 |
N |
"\xa9ed6" |
Edit6 |
N |
"\xa9ed7" |
Edit7 |
N |
"\xa9ed8" |
Edit8 |
N |
"\xa9ed9" |
Edit9 |
N |
"\xa9fmt" |
Format |
N |
"\xa9inf" |
Information |
N |
"\xa9prd" |
Producer |
N |
"\xa9prf" |
Performers |
N |
"\xa9req" |
Requirements |
N |
"\xa9src" |
Source |
N |
"\xa9wrt" |
Writer |
N |
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
'----' |
iTunesInfo |
- |
--> QuickTime iTunesInfo Tags |
'aART' |
AlbumArtist |
N |
'apid' |
AppleStoreID |
N |
'auth' |
Author |
N |
'covr' |
CoverArt |
N |
'cpil' |
Compilation |
N |
0 = No
1 = Yes |
'cprt' |
Copyright |
N |
'disk' |
DiskNumber |
N |
'dscp' |
Description |
N |
'gnre' |
Genre |
N |
'perf' |
Performer |
N |
'pgap' |
PlayGap |
N |
0 = Insert Gap
1 = No Gap |
'rtng' |
Rating |
N |
'titl' |
Title |
N |
'tmpo' |
BeatsPerMinute |
N |
'trkn' |
TrackNumber |
N |
"\xa9ART" |
Artist |
N |
"\xa9alb" |
Album |
N |
"\xa9cmt" |
Comment |
N |
"\xa9com" |
Composer |
N |
"\xa9day" |
Year |
N |
"\xa9des" |
Description |
N |
"\xa9gen" |
Genre |
N |
"\xa9grp" |
Grouping |
N |
"\xa9lyr" |
Lyrics |
N |
"\xa9nam" |
Title |
N |
"\xa9too" |
Encoder |
N |
"\xa9trk" |
Track |
N |
"\xa9wrt" |
Composer |
N |
Tag ID | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
[no tags known] |
Index | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
0 |
DisplaySize |
N |
0 = Normal
1 = Double Size
2 = Half Size
3 = Full Screen
4 = Current Size |
6 |
SlideShow |
N |
0 = No
1 = Yes |
Index | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
0 |
PreviewDate |
N |
2 |
PreviewVersion |
N |
3 |
PreviewAtomType |
N |
5 |
PreviewAtomIndex |
N |
Tags used in QTIF QuickTime Image Files.
Index | Tag Name |
Writable | Values / Notes |
4 |
CompressorID |
N |
20 |
VendorID |
N |
28 |
Quality |
N |
32 |
ImageWidth |
N |
34 |
ImageHeight |
N |
36 |
XResolution |
N |
40 |
YResolution |
N |
48 |
FrameCount |
N |
50 |
NameLength |
N |
51 |
Compressor |
N |
82 |
BitDepth |
N |
(This document generated automatically by Image::ExifTool::BuildTagLookup)
Last revised Oct 13, 2006
<-- ExifTool Tag Names